Happy New Year Everyone. The last year 2019, I started three programs
100 Days of DevOps
21 Days of Docker – Day 21
21 Days of AWS using Terraform
Thanks, everyone who participated in these programs, I learned a lot and I believe you guys also got a chance to learn something out of my blogs.
Starting from Feb15, I am starting two new programs
1: DevOps Automation
2: DevOps Certification
1: DevOps Automation: The main idea behind this, we will meet every Saturday at 7 am PST(via meetup) and try to automate any DevOps related process using below tools
- Python
- Shell Scripting
- Awk
- Sed
- Regular Expression
I put together a few of the topics here but I am looking for your inputs, please post it under comment section what other technologies you want to automate in 2020, I will definitely add that as a part of the excel sheet
The way this program is different from the earlier program is that so far you only heard me talking during meetup but this time I need more input from your end, please share your ideas and if you want to speak about a particular topic, please let me know I will add you as a speaker for that particular week.
2: DevOps Certification: This is one of the ambitious and my dream project, to get 1 or more certification per month. The way this program works , we will meet every weekend(Saturday/Sunday) for 90min(8:15 am PST – 9:45 am PST). I will assign the topic to everyone for that week(or we can discuss more about it, how we can distribute the topic to everyone depend upon your expertise) and then you need to speak about the particular topic. In this way, you will get more exposure as you are trying to explain the particular topic to n number of people. Here is list of the certifications

NOTE: Nothing set on stone and this list is always modifiable, so looking forward for your inputs
I know after reading all this, you think I am crazy but I know its doable the only thing which is required is
- Disciplined
- Motivation
Please join me with my journey by following any of the below links
- Website: https://100daysofdevops.com/
- Twitter: @100daysofdevops OR @lakhera2015
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/795382630808645/
- Medium: https://medium.com/@devopslearning
- GitHub: https://github.com/100daysofdevops/100daysofdevops
- Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/100daysofdevops/shared_invite/enQtODQ4OTUxMTYxMzc5LTYxZjBkNGE3ZjE0OTE3OGFjMDUxZTBjNDZlMDVhNmIyZWNiZDhjMTM1YmI4MTkxZTQwNzcyMDE0YmYxYjMyMDM
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/laprashant/videos?view_as=subscriber
Interested to join
Do i have to pay?
Ifso whats the fee sir?
Hi Mahendra
Its completely free
Hello Prashant,
I’ve come across to your blog from facebook, and have go through the quick overview of all your blogs and Youtube channel.
This is the remarkable initiative and I am very impressed with this, want to be a part of this journey. Keep up the good work you’re doing for the community.
Amit Dixit
Thanks Amit